Nov 7, 2009

New Addition

There's been a new addition to my List. Let's all give a warm round of applause to my latest obsession: Donald "Not Danny" Glover.
You might recognize him as Troy from everyone's new favorite show, Community. Donald had already stolen my heart away from Joel McHale (quite a task), but when I recently learned that 30 Rock hired him while he was still in college to write for their show my love for him got so big it could no longer fit inside me and I actually had to share it with Claude. Then, I go to his Twitter only to see that he loves Bored to Death. Then, I go to his website only to see that he had written this:

"Yes, I know. It's been a long time...we shouldn't left...without a dope sketh to laugh to...RIP Aaliyah."

True. Fucking. Love.

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