So let's set the scene: A crowded plane parked on the runway. There are 27 rows of people in front of me taking their time on exiting. The flight crew thought this would be a prime time to blaaaaaast the heat so that everyone immediately begins sweating balls. Pretty much, it was a horrible situation. Then the woman behind me starts talking to her friend.
"Aw shit girl, I'm trying to get off this plane but it is taking for-evvver. Everyone be taking their sweet time getting of this shit. You'd think they'd want to get off the damn plane. And me! I'm all the way at the back of the plane like I'm Rosa Parks!"
That's when me and the guy next to me stopped everything and starting taking this evesdropping game way more seriously. We knew it would be good.
"So I'm going home Sunday and then I'm getting saved on Monday, so that means this weekend we have to paaaarrtaaaaayyyy!"
Here, I got a little confused. I thought, "There has to be another meaning of 'saved,' " but lo and behold...
"Uh uh, girl. God forgives all sinners so we can seriously paaaartaaayyy."
I wish I remembered more of her ridiculous soundbites. I just love this woman and am truly thankful for her. She even made me forget for a few minutes that I hadn't showered in four days, had no make-up on except the leftover smears from wear my mascara and previously been pre-tears, was wearing maroon sweatpants, a mismatching and oversized maroon zip up, a turquoise cheetah dress, and Fuggs. Pretty much, I was classy as always.
I'd also like to quickly thank all my friends who are being super amazing too right now. Kelly, for changing my flight and packing me up and just doing everything I couldn't do yesterday. Sarah, for picking me up right now and driving me into Urbana. And Bri, for taking me out to lunch.
Oh, and of course my Mom for picking me up in Bloomington last night at 11pm even though she had school this morning. I love you all and I am happy to be home, even if it is under such unfortunate circumstances.